Our Mission

Provide financial services that enhance the lives of our members in the Adirondack region.

Our Vision

We envision a membership with access to solutions that form a foundation for their financial success.  Whether managing their cash, purchasing an automobile, becoming a homeowner, providing educational opportunities for themselves or their families, or simply funding recreational activities, our members will find the financial resources they need at their Credit Union.

Adirondack Regional Federal Credit Union is not like other banks & financial institutions.

We are a not-for-profit cooperative, owned and managed by our members.

There are no outside stockholders; therefore, a percentage of our credit union’s earnings are returned to our members in the form of dividends on savings, reduced rates on money products, and better service.

We are a safe financial institution, federally insured by the National Credit Union Association.

We are a not-for-profit corporation, started in 1947 as part of the Veteran’s Hospital in Tupper Lake, NY. Our credit union provides multiple financial services including mortgagesloanssavings accountschecking accounts, and financial counseling to over 7,000 members throughout four northern New York counties (Essex, Franklin, St. Lawrence, and Clinton). We have over $50 million in assets with offices in Tupper LakePotsdam, and Plattsburgh; and employ 17 people.

Learn more about the benefits of joining Adirondack Regional FCU and find out why so many in the North Country have trusted us with their money for over 70 years.